Mothers of the world, cradle of humanity.
Mothers are my sisters, the vines of fecundity.
Mothers are of all times, the triune of reality,
The trinity in Unity, the conception of personalities,
Manifest the actualization in beauty and purity.
Manifest the actualization in beauty and purity.
Mothers are the antecessors, the origin of thoughts,
Where ancient thoughts give birth to free will
For the good of all will that is good.
Mothers are the progenitors who bring harmony
And healing into physical reality
And give the world songs - and those who sing,
Who endure long-suffering as long as the breath lasts,
From whom we all rise and climb the mountain peak
And soar like eagles with open talons and beaks.
The they secede before we have time to retreat
But leave us alone to be on our own
With the mantle to seek and speak.
-Franklin Douglas
-Franklin Douglas
Happy Mother's Day to All, You are Loved.