Of all of the many gifts we glean from trees - from clean air to food to paper - we have from Mother Earth yet another beauty ....
We're not talking about the two component epoxy you might use in different art forms - to mould, fill or coat.
Those are essentially synthetic polymers, or plastics.
Resins are also not to be confused with ROSIN, a refined product in which all of the aromatic properties are removed.
We're talking the secretions trees in particular emit in response to damage- Man-made, insect or animal induced.
When newly secreted from the tree, the resin feels very sticky to the touch.
It is usually allowed to harden on the tree so it can be easily harvested.
Spruce resin, Dragon's blood, Frankincense and Myrrh are all types of resins collected for their medicinal and aromatic properties.
The more expensive varieties are largely due to the over farming and endangered status of the trees. The importance of buying ethically sourced product is huge.
Resin serves well in the natural medicine cabinet!
Resins have been used since ancient times for beauty and healing - due to powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic properties.
Resins are a lovely natural alternative in skincare for inflammatory skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
Some types of resin are even found in oral treatments to fight bacteria proliferation!
Cool stuff indeed.
How do WE use it?
Click HERE to find out!